On one of the two earliest depictions (c. In art Cerberus is most commonly depicted with two dog heads (visible), never more than three, but occasionally with only one. Perhaps trying to reconcile these competing traditions, Apollodorus's Cerberus has three dog heads and the heads of "all sorts of snakes" along his back, while the Byzantine poet John Tzetzes (who probably based his account on Apollodorus) gives Cerberus fifty heads, three of which were dog heads, the rest being the "heads of other beasts of all sorts".

An exception is the Latin poet Horace's Cerberus which has a single dog head, and one hundred snake heads. However, later writers almost universally give Cerberus three heads. 8th – 7th century BC), Cerberus has fifty heads, while Pindar (c. In the earliest description of Cerberus, Hesiod's Theogony (c. And, like these close relatives, Cerberus was, with only the rare iconographic exception, multi-headed. His father was the multi snake-headed Typhon, and Cerberus was the brother of three other multi-headed monsters, the multi-snake-headed Lernaean Hydra Orthrus, the two-headed dog who guarded the Cattle of Geryon and the Chimera, who had three heads, that of a lion, a goat, and a snake. Cerberus was usually three-headed, though not always.

If you are a fan of epic action games, this is a highly recommended one, where you can enjoy both its hand-drawn scenarios and a soundtrack that accompanies the action at all times.Descriptions of Cerberus vary, including the number of his heads. Your goal is to go through almost 40 levels of gameplay at once, without recording your progress at any time. But don't worry: even if you start over from the beginning, all the improvements you have achieved will be preserved. Our character will die over and over again, so you'd better be ready for it. We will view the action in isometric perspective and it will be very similar to a classic-style arcade game of pure, hard action, in line with videoconsole games or arcade machines of a few years ago. We will face mythological creatures like the cyclops or the minotaur and we will meet gods like Zeus, Poseidon or Athena they will be the ones who will help us and enhance our skills as we progress in the game.

We will take on the role of a classic immortal hero who has to escape from hell by fighting with the powers and weapons that we will have at our disposal. It is a role-playing game with a lot of action, a spectacular graphic finish and a fast and agile pace. A role-play and action game of devilish pace Well, it's also the name of the roguelike action and role-playing game where we will have to fight them. Hades is the word that in Greek mythology is associated with the underworld, a kind of hell where all kinds of creatures gather.